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April 17, 2008
I first learned about IVAW - Iraq Veterans Against the War last fall in Boston from a soldier who returned from Iraq. There are now over 1,000 members. View the TEN REASONS they are against the war. Below is one of their actions in New York. (1st saw this on justseeds)
Posted by cat at 07:28 PM
April 16, 2008
Iraq Body Count
If the image in the upper right of this blog isn't loading its because Iraq Body Count (IBC) server is down. I just gave a donation. Here is what they do: "Iraq Body Count (IBC) records the violent civilian deaths that have resulted from the 2003 military intervention in Iraq. Its public database includes deaths caused by US-led coalition forces and paramilitary or criminal attacks by others. IBC's documentary evidence is drawn from crosschecked media reports of violent events leading to the death of civilians, or of bodies being found, and is supplemented by the careful review and integration of hospital, morgue, NGO and official figures." Hopefully this link works.
Posted by cat at 02:17 AM
April 12, 2008
Ad Inexplorata (Into the Unknown)
I COULD TELL YOU BUT THEN YOU WOULD HAVE TO BE DESTROYED BY ME is a fascinating collection of patches of military emblems from the Pentagon's Black World. The mysteries surrounding these military textiles are by the author Trevor Paglen in his recent appearance on the Colbert Report. Don't be fooled by the shows host, this research is genuine.
Posted by cat at 06:36 PM
afghans for Afghans
Another worthwhile pro-peace wartime knitting initiative - afghans for Afghans is a humanitarian and educational people-to-people project that sends hand-knit and crocheted blankets and sweaters, vests, hats, mittens, and socks to the beleaguered people of Afghanistan.
Posted by cat at 03:55 PM
Hand Knits for Service Men
Knit Magazine from 1944
Accumulating wartime knitting artifacts from US history. This particular booklet has many convalescent items.
Posted by cat at 03:28 PM
April 08, 2008
US Airforce Wife Knitting to Bring the Troops Home
This week a knitter in Albuquerque has signed up to stitch a helmet liner for Senator McCain, and included writings to Senators Kit Bond and Jeff Bingaman.
To Senator Bond:
I knit knowing my husband and I are apart, once again. I knit while waiting for that weekly phonecall while you are having dinner with your whole family. I knit while another friend, a military wife, cries on my shoulder because her husband is leaving, gun and uniform packed. I knit while I watch the news that reports the day's losses in Iraq, hoping not to see a familiar face. I knit while others are sleeping in the cold desert. I knit knowing your own child is a Marine Corps officer. I knit while you vote. I knit...and I will keep knitting...for peace.
To Senator Bingaman:
I am a military wife who has many friends in Iraq. My husband spent time in Turkey, living off base with bombs going off regularly around his "apartment." Out of the two years we've been married, we've lived together 4 months. My friend Kelli's husband Jaime is currently serving in Iraq. He has volunteered an additional 6 months' time over there, and has recently been told in repayment for his serviced that he will not be receiving his two weeks' R & R time because his deployment is not a consecutive 365 days, but rather two separate 180 day deployments. My plea to Senator Bingaman is to vote to bring this war to an end and bring families back together.
Melissa Reynolds
USAF wife
Posted by cat at 06:52 PM
April 01, 2008
Exhibition with Helmets in Senate Seating Chart
This is a useful seating chart... it's flash and so you can navigate what Senators sit next to each other. The exhibit will take this configuration when all 100 helmets are complete.
"Plans like these, with movable paper names of senators, are used to assign desk locations during the beginning of each new Congress."
Posted by cat at 06:32 AM