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April 05, 2006

Saviour Scraps

Saviour Scraps is a collaboration between four artists who reuse collected fabrics and clothing from friends to create fantastical environments. They're having an open call called SECRET PROJECT: C A B I N Send submissions now through APRIL 14th. They need "artists to furnish our walls with pictures, our shelves with objects, our clotheslines with wearable art, our cobwebs with jewelry, and our bookshelves with videos, books, zines and music. We need people interested in building furniture suitable for the space, along with things like homewares, lighting, rugs, craftwork, ceramics, electronics, snowshoes, pies, the list goes on. Just as houses are full of ephemera, our space will need to be filled with its own objects - functional, decorative, nostalgic, and sentimental."

Posted by cat at 09:54 PM