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June 09, 2008
Up for Grabs Senate Seats
I did not have the patience to see if this Journal has right, left, or unbiased leanings but it gives an overview of the forthcoming races in the Senate: the state, the incumbent, the rating and the party:
"There's no denying that three Republican seats (Virginia, New Mexico, and New Hampshire) would probably fall to the Democrats if the election were held tomorrow, with one or two more GOP seats teetering on the edge of the knife." This is from less than four months ago. See the Top Ten and the 35 available seats here.
Posted by cat at 11:18 PM
June 02, 2008
Stitch for Senate Google Map
Messed around with google map to document the Stitch for Senate helmets as they get made. I've only created a map for ones that have been mailed to me, not the ones still in progress.
= where participants were knitting helmets
= made at Stitch for Senate headquarters
After this month I will put it in the right column of this blog. The goal is to get to 50% by the end of July. Participation in this pro-peace project is welcome. More information here!
Posted by cat at 10:53 PM
Stitch for Senate Helmet #36:
Knitted for Senator Baucus
Democrat - Montana
Posted by cat at 08:58 PM
Stitch for Senate Helmet #35:
Knitted for Senator Thune
Republican - South Dakota
Posted by cat at 08:57 PM
Stitch for Senate Helmet #34:
Knitted for Senator Kent Conrad
Democrat - North Dakota
Posted by cat at 08:54 PM
Stitch for Senate Helmet #33:
Knitted for Senator Sununu
Republican - New Hampshire
Posted by cat at 08:41 PM