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August 17, 2008

Stitch for Senate Helmet #99:
Senator Carl Levin

- Helmet knitted by Mike Topper, from Huntington Woods, MI.

This helmet liner is for our long time senator, Carl Levin. A fixture on the Armed Services Committee as well as serving as the chair of that body more than once, he supports our men in service about as well as anyone you can name. He did not support Joint Resolution 114, of which I am proud as he truly represented my vote. In sending this helmet, I do it in the faith that he will continue to support Barack Obama and seek to return all of our young men home quickly and help, in the fuure, to not involve our services in such acts of aggression but keep peace with friends around the globe. We must return to friendly relations and lead other nations to a peaceful world. This liner can be used by a peacetime army just as handily as one who is involved with the sadness of the last five years.

- Testimony by Eleanor J. Castle of Kalamazoo, Michigan who also knitted for Senator Debbie Stabenow

Posted by cat at August 17, 2008 03:04 PM