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March 31, 2008

26% of Helmets for Senators


I have decided to blog documentation of the Stitch for Senate project as it progresses. Occassionally I get an email me asking if we still need knitters and I always answer YES! It will be finished when we have one hundred helmets. I am hoping this will keep people posted on the current aspects of the project, though I must forewarn I will be in South America from April 13-May 4, researching radical and artisan craft practices in Argentina and Peru. However, the Stitch for Senate PO Box will still accept mail and I will check email as much as possible to answer any questions. This blog will also document related wartime creative resistance, as well as things I collect about the history of wartime knitting. Above is a recent picture of the stack of helmets. After being labeled, the helmets are stored safely in a fiber box in my studio. Thanks to all who have participated.

Helmets have been made for (or currently in the making) these Senators:
Senator Salazar, Ken
Senator Stabenow, Debbie
Senator Wyden, Ron
Senator Salazar, Ken
Senator Leahy, Patrick J.
Senator Stevens, Ted
Senator Coleman, Norm
Senator Allard, Wayne
Senator Bingaman, Jeff
Senator Burr, Richard
Senator Bayh, Evan
Senator Feingold, Russell D.
Senator Casey, Robert P., Jr.
Senator Lincoln, Blanche L.
Senator Boxer, Barbara
Senator Reid, Harry
Senator Cantwell, Maria
Senator Specter, Arlen
Senator Klobuchar, Amy
Senator Obama, Barack
Senator Kennedy, Edward M.
Senator Feinstein, Dianne

Also see the knitter Testimonies

As well as these Senators (knitter testimonies are pending)
Senator Akaka
Senator Biden
Senator Carper
Senator Clinton

Posted by cat at March 31, 2008 04:42 PM